I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world. |
Valuation should drive the way we view the world. |
You see what power is - holding someone else's fear in your hand and showing it to them! |
The best way out is always through. |
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest. |
If you wish to win a man over to your ideas, first make him your friend. |
A man's got to know his limitations. |
We're all on our way out, so act accordingly. |
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom. |
Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude. |
Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. |
Force is all conquering, but its victories are short-lived. |
Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. |
Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius. |
Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. |
The way to get things done is not to mind who gets credit of doing them. |
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who overcomes his enemies. |
Knowledge is power. |
In the full heart there is room for everything, and in an empty heart there is room for nothing. |
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. |
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. |
Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, and the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind. |
Mathematics is the language of nature. Everything around us can be represented and understood from numbers. Graph the numbers of any system and patterns appear. There are patterns everywhere in nature. |
Authority without wisdom is like a heavy axe without an edge, fitter to bruise than polish. |
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. |
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. |
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. |
Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory. |
Humor can alter any situation and help us cope at the very instant we are laughing. |
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. |
I pay no attention whatever to anybody's praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings. |
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. |
The charity that hastens to proclaim its good deeds, ceases to be charity, and is only pride and ostentation. |
Our actions are the path we walk on, our character the shoes we wear, humility our constant companion. |
Whenever an individual or a business decides that success has been attained, progress stops. |
Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forward. |
Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture. Do not build up obstacles in your imagination. |
The chief condition on which life, health, and vigor depend on, is action. It is by action that an organism develops its faculties, increases its energy, and attains the fulfillment of its destiny. |
The fastest way to succeed is to look as if you're playing by somebody else's rules, while quietly playing by your own. |
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. |
It is through creating, not possessing, that life is revealed. |
I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect. |
High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation. |
Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. |
The men who learn endurance, are they who call the whole world brother. |
Wisdom outweighs any wealth. |
Compassion is the basis of all morality. |
A minute's success pays the failure of years. |
It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom. |
Change your thoughts and you change your world. |
There are only two ways to live your lie. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. |
Life is a long lesson in humility. |
You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you. |
He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money. |
As sure as the spring will follow the winter, prosperity and economic growth will follow recession. |
Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly. |
It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered. |
The man of virtue makes the difficulty to be overcome his first business, and success only a subsequent consideration. |
If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been. |
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. |
A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life. |
What comes from the heart, goes to the heart. |
There is nothing stronger in the world than gentleness. |
True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment. |
Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky. Class has nothing to do with money. Class never runs scared. It is self-disciplined and self-knowledge. It's the sure footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life. |
The perfect no-stress environment is the grave. When we change our perception we gain control. The stress becomes a challenge, not a threat. When we commit to action, to actually doing something rather than feeling trapped by events, the stress in our life becomes manageable. |
Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new assignment. |
The only way you are ever going to learn anything, is to be humble enough to admit that you know absolutely nothing. |
Courage is the ability to be at peace with the things you have no control over. |
You have to learn to be big and small at the same time. |
Action is the real measure of intelligence. |
You desire to know the art of living, my friend? It is contained in one phrase: make use of suffering. |
What we actually learn, from any given set of circumstances, determines whether we become increasingly powerless or more powerful. |
I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority. |
Wise men profit more from fools than fools from wise men; for the wise men shun the mistakes of fools, but fools do not imitate the successes of the wise. |
An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth. |
A sense of humor is a major defense against minor troubles. |
One of the greatest victories you can gain over someone is to best him at politeness. |
Like a welcome sumer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you. |
Who will tell whether one happy moment of love, or the joy of breathing or walking on a bright morning and smelling the fresh air, is not worth all the suffering and effort which life implies. |
The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more you try to avoid suffering the more you suffer because smaller and insignificant things begin to torture you in proportion to your fear of being hurt. |
Life is no straight and easy corridor along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of passages, though which we must seek our way, lost and confused, now and again checked in a blind alley. |
Every man should keep a fair-sized cemetery in which to bury the faults of his friends. |
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. |
I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them. |
The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself. |
The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have little. |
The art of resting the mind and the power of dismissing from it all care and worry is probably one of the secrets of energy in our great men. |
It's a poor sort of memory that only works backward. |
The problem with power is how to achieve its responsible use rather than its irresponsible and indulgent use - of how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public. |
If you must speak ill of another, do not speak it, write it in the sand near the water's edge. |
An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth. |
Action is the fundamental key to all success. |
Hide not your talents, |
The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a return to the idealized past. |
Every great mistake has a halfway moment, a split second when it can be recalled and perhaps remedied. |
Be generous with kindly words, especially about those who are absent. |
A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down. |
An object in possession seldom retains the same charm that it had in pursuit. |
A man is not old until regret takes the place of dreams. |
He that climbs the tall tree has won the right to the fruit. |
The greatest friend of Truth is time, her greatest enemy is Prejudice, and her constant companion Humility. |
Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. |
Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. |
Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure. |
When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you. |
I have never been hurt by what I have not said. |
Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine. |
Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself. |
I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren't trying to teach us. |
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat. |
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the ting you think you cannot do. |
One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation. |
Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important. |
It is not necessary for all men to be great in action. The greatest and sublimest power is often simple patience. |
If you hear a voice within you saying, "You are not a pinter," then by all means paint...and that voice will be silenced. |
We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world. |
Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or doing it better. |
Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer. |